Getting people out of their cars

We want to see an increase in the provision of subsidised buses and improved safe routes for cycling and walking, the completion of the Strawberry Line and at the same time, encouragement for more local sporting activities and facilities.

Connecting villages and towns to each other with safe routes to walk and cycle is essential for community cohesion. One of the best examples locally is the footpath along Cross Lane connecting Axbridge with Cross, which must be completed.

Walking and cycling to school used to be commonplace; now it's the exception rather than the rule, but it helps reduce congestion and gives children and parents time to think and exercise, so we want schools to encourage more safe walking and cycling.

The reality for many people in the Cheddar Valley is that having a car is essential but to make the transition to electric cars easier, we want to see an increase in the number of car charging points in the area.

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Getting people out of their cars

We want to see an increase in the provision of subsidised buses and improved safe routes for cycling and walking, the completion of the Strawberry Line and at the same time, encouragement for more local sporting activities and facilities. Connecting villages and towns to each other with safe routes


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