Sedgemoor District Council leader Duncan McGinty has unveiled the council’s Budget for 2021-2022.
As in previous years, the council is delivering high-value services while bearing down on Council Tax costs for all households.
Amongst the headline funding schemes within the Budget, the Conservative Group has secured money for:-
1. Tackling antisocial behaviour in Cheddar
Up to £15,000 will be ring fenced to add to the momentum already underway in seeking long-term solutions to the antisocial issues in the Gorge, working closely with Cheddar councillors.
2. Community Development in Stockmoor and Wilstock
Up to a further £80,000 has been agreed as a one-off Community Development Fund for Stockmoor and Wilstock to contribute to community infrastructure, complementing schemes that are already underway.
3. Climate Emergency
The Climate Emergency is a key focus for Sedgemoor District Council and Cllr McGinty is securing an additional £42,000 to increase the budgetary allowance to £250,000.
4. Regeneration
The Bridgwater Town Fund is being bolstered with up to £26,000, of which up to £15,000 is for a feasibility study for Eastover Hospital and the rest for Penel Orlieu classic buildings feasibility study.
5. Sedgemoor professional staff
Cllr McGinty has proposed the creation of a new Economic Development Recovery Officer role in the council, to provide the breadth and depth to economic recovery in the district. Subject to national negotiation, Sedgemoor staff will receive a 2% pay increase and an extra day’s paid leave.
All of this is being funded in addition to the proposals already announced. Duncan McGinty, who is the Conservative District Councillor for East Polden, announced the measures at the annual Budget Council Meeting on Monday 22nd February.
The precept will rise by just £5 on a band D property.
He says, “As we look forward to emerging from the long shadow cast by Coronavirus, it is essential that we invest in community and economic regeneration in Sedgemoor. We have been careful with our investments and spending for years and being prudent in the past enables us to put back when most needed.
“We are particularly pleased that have awarded our staff with a 2% pay rise. This is still under negotiation nationally, but we believe it should go ahead to recognise the wonderful work that our staff have done.”
Deputy Leader Gill Slocombe says, “The full council agrees that this is an excellent budget that other authorities could only wish for, which we have been able to deliver in unprecedented times.”